Sunday, December 13, 2009

Twelve: The Euro

The Euro
I must first clarify that this is NOT my picture. I obviously don't have a 500 euro note. Though... I sure wish I did! I mean... I haven't actually SEEN anything larger than a 50. Funny story- supposedly Spain is the country with the most 500 euro bills, but they aren't actually in circulation because people sit on them. So in Spain, 500 euro notess are called 'Bin Ladens.' Get it? Get it? Clever. I digress. Euros are a funny thing. First of all, they are all different sizes, which you might think would be convenient but no. It's very confusing. The fives always get lost. Also the coins are outrageous. What's the point of a one and two cent coin!?! They just accumulate, and I never know what to do with them. Even my professors have complained about them. And the one cent coins are TINY. My favorite euro related story happened right when the currency conversions happened. So the bills are all colorful and silly, and some guy actually paid for an expensive meal with monopoly money. RIDICULOUS. I will be relieved when my money is green, the same shape, and USD.

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