Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sixteen: The IES Center

The IES Center
This is where my academic career in Freiburg took place. It's a gorgeous building, that was once a house for a very affluent family. Then during Nazi Germany, the Nazi's had the building and used it for some type of secret police HQ in Freiburg. It was only mentioned once, and the teacher looked guilty, so I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to tell us about it. In any event, IES redid it to make it into a school sort of place. It has four stories. The basement has an amazing pillar of books. Thousands of books probably, I saw it for the first time yesterday. The ground level is offices and where our mail slots are. The first floor (Oh! See how I did that? It's a european floor system.) is where the student lounge, computer lab, and little library are. Also, there is a kitchen on this floor, but we're not allowed to use it. Silly. On the second floor there are 5 classrooms. In the picture, Caitlin and I are sitting in the biggest room, which can hold the entire program. Otherwise, there are usually 2o desks or less depending upon the class. My smallest class had 7 people, which was one of my favorites. The center also has a lovely garden with fooseball and chaise chairs, and a nice table. It's lovely for studying in the sun. The second picture is of me after I finished my last final. I was very very VERY excited. Also, it went well, so what can be better?

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