Monday, June 17, 2013

BERMUDA: Beaches, St. Georges and Sea Glass


Lamaste dropped me off at Horseshoe Bay at about 8:00 am Tuesday morning before she went to work.  Who goes to the beach at 8:00 am? Old people.  And me. It was pretty cold and not at all warm. I cruised around the beach and took pictures and basically just explored and enjoyed the time to relax. 

The sand really is pink... actually the whole sand experience caught me off guard.  After working at the beach in Bloomington for a million years, I feel like I’m pretty familiar with sand.  This sand was different.  Beyond the fact that it was soft and light pink. It was... flat.  So it basically sticks to your skin like glue.  

After exploring, I hunkered down to relax and read.  It was starting to get a little bit warm, so I was comfortable in my shorts and sweatshirt.  After thinking to myself- “This is ridiculous.  You’re in Bermuda, for Pete’s sake! You need to go into the water.”  So I (fully dressed) decided to test the temperature.  I didn’t get into the water past my knees before bailing.  So. Cold. Also... pretty pathetic.  But you know what? Doing silly things isn’t very fun on your own.

or alternatively-- look at all that
sea glass.  Interesting.

Then I bused myself back to Hamilton to meet Lamaste. We went on another big adventure out to Saint Georges, Fort St. Catherine, and went to this “beach” that’s famous for it’s sea glass.  Lama wasn’t really sure where the glass beach was so we went into this tourist information shop.  We were then treated to a 10 minute rant about how the sea glass is all gone because the Americans have taken it all and now they’re selling it back to Bermuda.  Oh PLEASE. So annoying.  First-Sea Glass is LITTER.  Second-if it’s all our fault, you probably subscribe to the school of thought that we littered all the glass in the first place which ultimately turned INTO sea glass.  So really, we’re just reclaiming our lost goods. Third, if you’re dumb enough to buy it back Bermuda... that’s on you.  Fourth, there was TONS of sea glass at that beach. Lastly... if you hate the Americans so much, don’t work in a tourist information booth. What an idiot.

Fort Saint Catherine was really cool.  Lama was about 5% as interested as I was. I enjoyed it immensely.  It was also fun because it was insanely windy-the kind where you can literally lay into the wind and it holds you up.  One of my favorite parts was a cannon which appeared to have fallen into the ocean.  I just don’t understand how that happens... but I’ve been laughing about it ever since.  Given that that was almost two months ago?  Pretty funny. 

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