Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I made it!

Well, as you can tell from the tittle, I made it to Freiburg! The flights went extremely well, and there weren't any major problems. I couldn't sleep on my translantic flight, but I crashed during my quick flight to Zurich. Also, I only went through customs once, which I hadn't realized would happen! A very sweet Swiss lady helped me with the trains, helping me to find my way and ensure I was on the right train. She was seriously adorable. My second train was long. I was so tired I couldn't watch the beautiful scenery and had to read to stay awake. When I got to Freiburg I had the most amazing taxi driver. He immigrated here from Ghana ten years ago. He was my first Freiberg friend. I may or may not have forgotten his name. He took me to the Eu center where we filled out a ton of paperwork. After they took us to our rooms. I have 5 other suitemates, none of whom I have met. I'm anxious. Especially since I really want to shower. Anyway. My room is pretty nice. truly nothing special but who knows. It's pretty far from the center so I will be becoming a pro at public transportation. I had about half an hour to settle and everyone in my... group of housing buildings went out for pizza and beer. It was pretty fun. I almost drank my whole beer and I only gagged once. There's still hope Miah! The people were really nice and I think I made some friends.

I'm having a great time. Maybe it's the beer talking but I'm really excited for the semester!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Anna!

    Schön, dass Du in Deutschland angekommen bist! I am so happy you made it to Germany! Sounds like you've had a wonderful time thus far. I look forward to reading about your adventures. Let me know if I can help in anyway. All the best, Kari Richtsmeier
