Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hey, I know I posted just yesterday- but I wanted to share about our day trip to Konstanz before I go to Berlin and forget everything. I must be brief so I can adequately study for my exam and quiz tomorrow.

We arrived in a different city on this gigantic lake (third largest in Europe), and toured a Castle right away. It was really beautiful and quite large. In fact, it is the largest privately owned Castle. I guess people still live there now, which is fascinating. I'm very jealous. It was neat though because the original rooms were added on to over and over so I could see the structural changes as building techniques and styles changed. Very Cool. The castle was situated high on some rocks looking over the lake was was really beautiful. Afterwards we went to a wine festival and had lunch. I had a delicious bratwurst rot. Yummm. And then we took a ferry over to Kontanz which was really neat. The city is fairly significant with The Council of Constance convening there in 1414. Really neat. Actually cool story- the city wasn't bombed in WWII because the allies actually thought it was part of Switzerland. You see, it's very close to the swiss border, and cause the swiss were neutral and left their lights on as they weren't afriad of being bombed. So Konstanz also left their lights on and tricked the allies. Really neat, so all of the buildings were 'original.' Pretty sweet. Oh, and I included a picture of a funny fountain that made me laugh. It's just a ridiculous sculpture/fountain. And a picture of me riding a famous brass horse. I enjoyed it!


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